Party Wall Surveyor
Our Party Wall Surveyors at Seven One Associates have over two decades of experience in the industry. Our Surveyors will be able to assist you with your project and party wall matters.
Whether you are carrying out building works or affected by building works at a neighbouring property, our Surveyors are here to help guide you through the process.
Building Owners (carrying out works)
If you are carrying out works that will be covered under the Party Wall etc. Act then you will need to follow the correct procedures. If you’re unsure about your work being ‘notifiable’ under the act, feel free to contact us for a no obligation consultation and review of your proposed works or read our F.A.Q
Serving Notices Under the Party Wall etc. Act:
Under the Act you are required to formally serve Party Wall notices to all affected owners of the adjoining properties. Depending on how they respond to the notices, you may require a formal Party Wall Award drawn up by a Surveyor(s).
- You must notify your affected neighbour/s:
You must formally write to them to inform them under the act and the specific clauses that affect them in respect to your works in the proper and correct prescribed format for them to be valid under the Party Wall Act.
If you’re unsure get in touch with us, we can offer our service in sending out Notices on your behalf. - How much notice do I need to give:
Depending on the work you will need to notify your neighbour with 4-8 week notice prior to works commencing on the ‘notifiable’ elements covered under the act. If you’re unsure what is notifiable for your project please contact us. - What happens after giving notices:
Once you have given notice, your neighbour has 14 days to reply.
A) They can either agree (“consent”) to your works and you can proceed with the works. However, it is also recommended to get a schedule of conditions drawn up by one of our Surveyors as this protects both parties if there is damage claims after works have started.
B) They “consent” to the works and request a schedule of conditions to ensure the current condition is recorded in case of damage as a result of the work. It protects both sides in case of something goes wrong.
C) Your neighbour does not respond or agree, therefore an award is required to be drawn up. A Party Wall Surveyor is appointed as the ‘Agreed Surveyor’ for both sides or the neighbour appoints their own Surveyor. Costs are usually paid by the building owner carrying out the works.
Adjoining Owners (Neighbour affected by “the works”)
- Receiving a Party Wall Notice:
You should have received a Party Wall Notice(s), if you haven’t get in touch with us to assist you further.
The letter will detail what works are being carried that will affect you and is covered under the act. - Do I need a Party Wall Surveyor?
You should always appoint a Party Wall Surveyor regardless if you get on with your neighbour or not. Party Wall Surveyors will detail out the current condition of your property before the works begin and should there be any damage after the works begin the Surveyors will be able to judge the extent of those damages and ensure they are either made good or a sum of money is paid in-lieu.
The Surveyor’s costs are paid by the person carrying out the works unless they are carrying out works to the shared Party Wall or structure which is in need of repair. - Responding to the Notice:
Contact us and you can assist you further and give advice on how to respond to the notice. You are within your rights to request an Award drawn up to protect our own property and request a pre-condition schedule of conditions. - Further information:
Contact us for free advice or visit our F.A.Q page