Are your neighbours proposing/constructing a loft conversion that affects the shared Party Wall? Do you require advise and further information? Our Surveyors offer a 30 minute consultation and advise on proposed works that may affect your property. Feel free to contact our team.
Party Wall etc. Act
The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 states Building Owner’s wishing to carry out works as specified as a ‘notifiable’ works under the Act must serve formal and appropriate Party Wall Notices.
If your neighbours have started work without serving Party Wall Notices then contact us immediately.

Could the neighbour’s loft conversion affect my property?
If you share a Party Wall with a neighbour who is intending to carry out a loft conversion then, “the works” will be ‘notifiable’ under the Party Wall etc. Act.
A typical loft conversion to a terraced or semi-detached property involves the insertion of a steel beam into the shared Party Wall. The work involves cutting “pockets” into the Party Wall up to a thickness of 100mm to insert a spreader plate or build in padstone, and set the steel beams in.
This invariable has an impact on the neighbour Party Wall as the pockets can cause stress fractures on their side of the wall.
How can a Party Wall Award assist?
A Party Wall Award drafted by a Surveyor which generally includes a schedule of conditions, the schedule of conditions records the current condition of the adjoining property which can be used as a post works check for any damage that may have occurred as a result of the subsequent building works.
The Party Wall Award will place conditions upon the works and the manner in which the works will be undertaken in order reduce potential damage to the adjoining property. This includes protective measures that the builders must adhere to.
The Party Wall Award is a legal document which can be used to enforce payment for damages caused by neighbouring works.