1. Initial assessment of proposed works to identify if the works fall within the parameters of the Party Wall etc. Act.
2. Official notice/s served under the Party Wall etc. Act to all affected Adjoining Neighbours and owners (leasehold and freeholder, if applicable).
3. The affected neighbours have 14 days to respond to the notices, they can respond in four different ways:
(A) Consent to the Party Wall notices without any further action.
(B) Consent to the Party Wall notices on the basis of having a Surveyor’s schedule of conditions completed prior to works commencing.
(C) Concur with your Surveyor’s appointment as the Agreed Surveyor – the Survey will then carry out the schedule of conditions and subsequently serve the formal Party Wall Award.
(D) Dissent to the Party Wall notices and appoint their own Surveyor to liaise with the Building Owner’s Surveyor. The two Surveyors will then carry out the Survey and subsequently agree and serve the formal Party Wall Award.
4. Once the Award/s are served works can commence

Party Wall Surveying Services – Fee Structure:

Building Owners carrying out works:
– Serving formal Party Wall Notices to your affected neighbours – Free of Charge*
o Review initial drawings and scope of works
o Obtain title deeds to verify the Adjoining Owners
o Serve Party Wall Notices with accompanying letter.
o Consent forms
o Follow-Up with a subsequent “10-Day Notice” letter if no response is received after 14 days.
– Schedule of Conditions: From £350^
– Party Wall Award: From £500^
– Acting as Agreed Surveyor between both neighbours: From £49^
Adjoining Owners affected by adjacent works:
In almost all cases fees are paid by the Building Owner that is carrying out the works (unless the works are repairs to a shared party wall). Our Surveyor generally charge on an hourly basis to liaise with the Building Owner/their Surveyor to conclude aspect of the schedule of conditions and formal Party Wall Award. In some instances, we can act as Agreed Surveyor on a fixed price fee proposal.

Get in touch with us for further advice and information.
*Notices free of charge, where there is dissent, we would be appointed to Act on your behalf.
^Excludes commercial properties, prices vary, please contact us with proposed plans for a formal quote.